The Jarvis Family

Jarvis FamilyIn Honduras there are an estimated 180,000 orphaned or abandoned children. They grow up without a knowledge of Christ or his love, and become statistics, continuing the cycle of crime and poverty for which Honduras is renowned. Satan sees these children as a victory in the ongoing battle for Honduran souls. Many people see them as a lost cause, a sad and hopeless story. But we believe God sees them differently. We look at these children and see amazing potential. We see future preachers, evangelists, pastors’ wives, missionaries, teachers, college graduates, and ultimately parents who will raise a generation of children who know Jesus Christ and the love of family.

We see Honduras being brought to Christ through the lives and testimonies of children who can grow up with a knowledge of God’s Word and will share it with their countrymen.

Our goal as a family is to continue the work that has been started. We hope to raise the children in a loving, safe and God-honoring environment, winning them to the Lord and discipling them in the Bible.

We believe that these children can bring glory to God. We believe that Honduras can bring glory to God. And we believe it starts with the church reaching out to the fatherless with God’s Word and His love.

You can learn more about the Jarvis family on their website.